• Question: Do you like your job and why ?

    Asked by Aqdus to Craig, Devon, Marta, Natalie, Nicholas on 10 Mar 2017.
    • Photo: Marta Varela

      Marta Varela answered on 10 Mar 2017:

      Hi Aqdus.

      I love my job. I love learning new things and feeling that I contributing to discovering new things too (which nobody knew before). Also, because I work in a medical field, I am always hoping that what I discover will help ill people. All in all, it’s a pretty cool job!

    • Photo: Natalie Doig

      Natalie Doig answered on 10 Mar 2017:

      I love my job – and all the different parts of it. It is very exciting to be studying the brain, it is so complicated and it is great to be able to be part of finding out new things about it.
      I also teach University students which is fun in a different way, I get to know the students and I like it when they get excited about learning new things about the brain! I also love that my work involves making things and doing experiments in the lab – it is hard to get bored.
      And, as Marta said, it is nice to be able to work towards something that might help people that have diseases.

    • Photo: Nicholas Younger

      Nicholas Younger answered on 14 Mar 2017:


      I love my job, there’s so much freedom and flexibility to explore new things and help people. It’s really great!

    • Photo: Craig O'Hare

      Craig O'Hare answered on 14 Mar 2017:

      I really enjoy my job, working in research is flexible enough that you can manage your own schedule. I get restless and bored easily so being able to choose what I do everyday keeps me interested.

      In a broader sense, I like working towards something that benefits people’s health. The more we understand the immune system the sooner we can manipulate it to our advantage and make new drugs and therapies that will really help change people’s lives. I think that’s really cool.
