• Question: How do you think the word began

    Asked by Chelsea to Craig, Marta, Natalie, Nicholas on 15 Mar 2017.
    • Photo: Marta Varela

      Marta Varela answered on 15 Mar 2017:

      The Universe? With a Big Bang!

      I think the evidence for that is pretty solid. As is the evidence of a quickly expanding Universe from it.

      What happened before the Big Bang is what nobody knows (it probably doesn’t even make sense to talk of time before the Big Bang). I don’t think any one will ever know for sure. Maybe other Universes with different physical properties? Maybe nothing…

      Are you interested in Cosmology? Would you like to find this out yourself?

    • Photo: Craig O'Hare

      Craig O'Hare answered on 15 Mar 2017:

      I’m a firm believer in the big bang. How we would test that I’m not sure though but I’ll ask my friends in astrophysics!

      I think the big bang would also have allowed for the conditions of the Miller and Urey experiment to occur. Miller and Urey essentially took the gases found on earth when it was first forming (water, ammonia, carbon dioxide and methane) and chucked them in a flask. After a week they found that the amino acids (which are the building blocks of our cells) had formed in the flask.

      I think it’s cool to think that if you could make more complicated versions of this that primitive cells could eventually form!
