• Question: What is your favourite song?

    Asked by harrystyles to Nicholas, Craig on 6 Mar 2017.
    • Photo: Nicholas Younger

      Nicholas Younger answered on 6 Mar 2017:

      That’s so hard!

      This changes weekly, but right now my favorite song is called “Beach Comber” by a band called “Real Estate”. You should check it out on Spotify if you can.

      It’s about a guy who’s looking for his watch in the sand on the beach and he realises that he doesn’t want to find it because he’s happier spending time chilling looking for it than finding it and having to go back to work.

    • Photo: Craig O'Hare

      Craig O'Hare answered on 7 Mar 2017:

      Oooh a very tough one.

      I think I’d have to go for “Gun” by Chvrches. I’m a bit of a fanboy I’ve seen them six times!

      There’s quite a lot close second places too. I really like “Dance yrslf clean” by LCD Soundsystem, “Karma Police” by Radiohead(super excited to see them at Glastonbury this year!) or “Realti” by Grimes. I really like music, I spend a lot of my free time going to concerts.
