• Question: What motivates you to keep doing science

    Asked by sambo rambi to Craig, Devon, Marta, Natalie, Nicholas on 6 Mar 2017.
    • Photo: Marta Varela

      Marta Varela answered on 6 Mar 2017:

      First and foremost, it’s great fun! Secondly, you are always hoping you’ll find something out that will help other people…

    • Photo: Natalie Doig

      Natalie Doig answered on 6 Mar 2017:

      I am always motivated to learn new things – to get results from my latest experiments. I always want to know the answers which keeps me working hard. On a larger scale I also want to find out things that we didn’t know before in the hope that we can understand the brain, and the things that change in diseases of the brain.

    • Photo: Devon Smith

      Devon Smith answered on 6 Mar 2017:

      Honestly, that one result is never enough and it always leads onto another question. And then another, and then another.

      It does sometimes get annoying that there’s so many questions to answer, but that is also quite exciting as at some point you could randomly stumble across something that you weren’t expecting and it answers a whole other question you weren’t even thinking about! That is always pretty cool and always keeps it exciting and engaging.

    • Photo: Craig O'Hare

      Craig O'Hare answered on 6 Mar 2017:

      I guess what keeps me motivated with my research is the idea that my research could be used to help people. A better understanding of the immune system can lead to improved, safer vaccines and even more therapies for cancer.
