• Question: where do you usually work everyday?

    Asked by Justine to Nicholas, Natalie, Marta, Devon, Craig on 9 Mar 2017.
    • Photo: Natalie Doig

      Natalie Doig answered on 9 Mar 2017:

      I work in Oxford, at the Medical Research Council Brain Network Dynamics Unit… which is near the centre of Oxford. I spend most of my day going between the lab, the microscopes and my desk! It is good because you can never get bored – and you keep moving around.

    • Photo: Craig O'Hare

      Craig O'Hare answered on 9 Mar 2017:

      I work at Lancaster University in the Biological and Life Science laboratories. The campus is really nice and is surrounded by some nice farmlands which are nice to cycle across on the way into work.

    • Photo: Marta Varela

      Marta Varela answered on 10 Mar 2017:

      Hi Justine.

      I can work from anywhere with a computer and an internet connection (to log in to my work computer). I sometimes work from home or the library or even a cafe for a change of scenery. I do work most of the time from my office desk, because I have lots of extra helpful stuff there like books and I can help/be helped by my colleagues when one of us has a question. (Oh, and my office overlooks the Big Ben, which is nice!)

    • Photo: Nicholas Younger

      Nicholas Younger answered on 14 Mar 2017:

      Right now I’m sitting in a church (which used to be a hat factory) in Amsterdam typing away on my laptop answering your question (I’m dedicated!)

      Normally I work in my lab in Edinburgh, which overlooks the Castle there. If I’m not in the lab I’m in my office next door working on my computer.
